Ahad Rufaidah and Al-Areen project was awarded

Praise be to God, a contract has been signed for the operation, maintenance and repair of educational buildings, the fourth group of the General Administration of Education in Al-Jouf region, Tabarjal sector.


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Ahad Rufaidah and Al-Areen project was awarded

Ahad Rufaidah and Al-Areen project was awarded

Praise be to God, a contract has been signed for the operation, maintenance and repair of educational buildings,

تم ترسية مشروع أحد رفيدة والعرين

تم ترسية مشروع أحد رفيدة والعرين

تم بحمدالله توقيع عقد مشروع تشغيل وصيانة واصلاح المباني التعليمية المجموعة الرابعة التابعة للإدارة العامة للتعليم في منطقة

Signing a contract for the receipt of the Asir project site

Signing a contract for the receipt of the Asir project site

Praise be to God, a contract was signed and the sites for the operation, maintenance and repair of